Coming soon on every platform

Scammers, bots, fake news. Now it's over.

On Zircle every user is verified using government ID or passport. No businesses are allowed, hence why they can't manipulate opinions. And algorithms are not used to keep people glued to the screen.

Social networking is necessary.
Social media is not.

At Zircle you own your data. People actually are who they say they are.
The idea is to connect with people in zircles around similar interests.

That's what Gen Z said

The youth is the key to change in this world.
But we simply need to start listen more to them.

Are concerned about how their personal data is being used.
Source: Piper Sandler (2023)
Are worried about the potential for their personal data to be used for identity theft or financial fraud.
Source: Deloitte (2022)
Say that social media can make them feel worse about themselves.
Source: Pew Research Center (2022)
Would be willing to pay a premium for products or services that offer better data privacy protection.
Source: Piper Sandler (2023)

It seems so obvious, yet is hasn't been done.
So I'm glad to annoucne that we at Zircle are the ones who will bring a real social network to the world.
Where people can be real and don't have to create an acceptable image of themselves for the apporval of others.

Rasmus Jensing
CEO of Zircle

It's how it's supposed to be from the beginning.

Stay in touch with your friends.

Our core belief is that social media should be a tool to connect with people. Not a tool to manipulate people.

Data provenance
Fake news is a huge problem, because the source can be artifical. Now it's tracable.
Your data is yours
You can even say people can't find you, unless you invite them to be friends in person.
True connections
Relationships are not built on likes, but on shared interests.
Real people only
The verified badge never made sense. Because people just should be real in the first place.

The key difference

At Zircle, you're no longer the product sold to the higest bidder.

You pay for the service, so we don't have to sell your data to make money.
We don't have to manipulate you to keep you glued to the screen.
And we don't have to sell ads to make money.



Modi dolorem expedita deleniti. Corporis iste qui inventore pariatur adipisci vitae.

  • A verified identity online
  • Chat and calls everywhere
  • Unlimited friends
  • Unlimited zircles
  • Privacy controls
  • No ads
  • Events near you
  • Support from 9-5
Join the waitlist



Explicabo quo fugit vel facere ullam corrupti non dolores. Expedita eius sit sequi.

  • Everything in Social+
  • Tracing of content provenance
  • Marketplace for goods and services
  • Decide which parts of Zircle features you need and don't need
  • Unlimited support
  • Extended privacy controls, such as hiding your profile from others
Join the waitlist


Next round of funding is about to begin. Reach out if you dare to be part of the next big thing.

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